Money2020 Europe – Amsterdam 2021
Are you shaping the future of fintech? Welcome home. This September, get ready for a reimagined Money20/20 Europe experience that puts you in the driving seat. The conversations that take place here will decide our collective trajectory.
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Radical change requires a radical catalyst. Fintech has a big journey to go on, and Money20/20 Europe is here to help you take the first big leap into the unknown. This is the only place where the whole community, from payments to banking to retail to regulation and beyond, comes together to make the decisions that shape the future.
Money2020 is proud to be the premier show on the industry calendar where C-level executives, renowned speakers, innovators and disruptors from across the world drive change in the future of money. In Amsterdam Money2020 facilitate 3 remarkable days of the right conversations, the right connections and the right discoveries which enable individuals and organisations of all sizes to achieve their goals and grow.
21 – 23 Settempre